The Album That Wrote Itself


In 1988 Andy was a swimmer. During many years he swam in elite teams all around Denmark and was among the fastest in the country.

He had an injury in his triceps muscle which caused a break of half a year away from the water. He still participated in numerous running competitions.

This was when he bought his first synth, a Roland Jupiter-4 which he still owns today.

In 1994 he got a record contract from a German record company. In this period he was in an industrial band besides having a full time job + training every day.

His singer and he had already released music in 3 compilation CDs.

He never signed the contract. It was a bad standard contract with nothing good for the artists in it. Everything was in the interest of the label.
This split the band.

In 1997 he started martial arts training: Wing Tsun (realistic street fighting, no rules, attacks only) + Escrima (weapons combat system) in Copenhagen.

This healthy and active lifestyle + his passion for vintage luxury cars with big engines are essential parts of his song/book writing and these elements are represented in many of the songs.

Nasty injuries sent him to the hospital 4 times during training and this world is described in songs like Combat and Fight + in the books.

Andy still insists on working out, punching, kicking and spinning almost every day.

His music is released on several CDs which he does not own copies of.

His first singer and he made a 1 min. intro to a death metal album by a girl band.

Once he made a remix for a synth-pop band, it caused the release of their debut single.

One of his albums was streamed 16 hours per day for approx. 1 year.

One of the largest record companies stole his singer, then they stole one of her songs.

He worked as a technical assistant for one band and as a light engineer for another band.

His first album got 70.000 streams, however it lacked attitude and noise so he took it off the market.

He worked in one of Denmark’s biggest record stores.