The book: When do you call yourself a musician?


Andy published 4 books:

When do you call yourself a musician?
Language: Danish. Year: 2016.
Danish title: Hvornår kan man kalde sig musiker?
A +20 year journey through the music business.
See it here.

When do you call yourself a writer?
Language: Danish. Year: 2019.
Danish title: Hvornår kan man kalde sig forfatter?
Part 2 of a creative and unique journey through the music business + the making of the album Something Real.
See it here.

100 Song Texts That Made My Life.
Language: English. Year: 2019.
Poetry collection. 100 song texts written within 5 years. Later many of these song texts were released as songs.
See it here.

Quotes by Andy Ry.
Language: English. Year: 2020.
Quotes from Andy created as pictures. Something you do not hear every day. Some quotes will make you think in a different way.
See it here.